
importance of education

Education – Its Importance and Strength in Modern World

By Get New Articles What is Good Education? The importance and strength of education and importance of education in this modern world can be understood after having a look on it meaning. Simply, it means to get information and skills, constructing moral values, and emerging habits. Knowled…

education in old times

Education in Old civilizations of Egypt, Mesopotamia, and North China

By Get New Articles The history of civilization started in the Middle East about 3000 B.C, while the North China civilization started about a millennium and a half later. The Mesopotamian and Egyptian civilizations grew nearly instantaneously in the first civilization stage 3000–1500 B.C…

definition of education

Education – Definition, History and Present

By Get New Articles Education is concerned with techniques of teaching and learning in schools as opposed to different non official and casual means of socialization. Education may be considered of as the spread of the values and gathered information of a society. In this sense, it is same…

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