Article Writing – Definition, Its Importance and How to Do it

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What is Article Writing?

An article writing is a category of writing which is meant to reach a huge number of people by means of the good quality articles. In article writing, the press represents publishing newspapers, magazines and journals, etc. To write an article in a newspaper, or writing for some magazine is not an easy task. It needs so many study and writing expertise. It is written in such a way that it may update the common people about a particular topic. The basic purpose of the journalist here is to have some alteration in world by changing the opinions of the masses by means of article writing.

Types of Article Writing:

There are many forms of article writings. These are:

  • Writing a newspaper article
  • Writing a magazine article
  • SEO article writing
  • Online article writing
  • Freelance article writing etc.

There might be divisions between these articles also. Few of the articles, such as online article writing and freelance article writing might be a story that relies upon the writer and the person for whom he writes. There might be some forms of article writing that majority of the people know about. It contains story type contents but there are many other types.

The most important type of article writings is SEO article writing. It has got much importance. SEO article writing means the search engine optimization of the article which is written. The question that might arise here is by what means may one ensure that his or her article has achieved its goal.

To reply this question, one would have to search via internet. There might be so many methods by means of which one can do search engine optimization. Some of them are:

First, between them is to make use of keywords. Keywords mention to the most important words of the article that can be utilized many times in a content or in article to tell the importance of the word.

There are also a large number of other options which are given below:

One should be regular with using the keywords. The keywords should be related to the subject matter of the article; if it is not related to the topic, the keyword would not be effective.

When you are writing a news article, or some other article, one should keep in mind that there are no grammatical errors.

The authenticity of the article should be checked before it is published.

These are the minimum things that should be kept in mind while doing the job of article writing. Although, in case of writing a news article, the content of the article is of utmost importance. One have to keep the content unique and present it creatively.

A large number of article-writing examples are present on internet. It is helpful for the writer especially when he or she is writing an article for the first time to understand the concept thoroughly. There is also an article writing illustration presented below. Readers might take it for a better understanding of the article writing.

How to Write an Article?

Let us consider some of the important points that you shall keep in mind while writing an article.

Understand your topic:

You should understand the topic clearly. You should be in a position to make concerned inferences for everything that appears in your mind. Here, your mind is full thoughts and your job is to be in a position to mention and filter them according to your needs and requirements. Attempting questions of this type without any plan is certainly not a good sign because your content would not be organised unless you arrange the run of the content. Hence, the greatest method before starting such questions is to ensure that you have a perfect portrait of what the question is demanding you.

Prepare a sketch:

Before starting the writing process, one will have to arrange all the points in proper sequence. It should be a rational sequence. Cross-checking all the point whether it is appropriate and desired to finish the content is again another factor to be kept in mind. Preparation of a sketch is very important as well as suitable as it supports us to know what to do next. You should be sensitive while formulating a sketch as it must have all the topics in proper sequence.

Review and make appropriate changes:

Revisiting all important points by reading them again and again is very important. You may find some content irrelevant. So, one have to leave the unimportant points. Then, logically rearrange all the points so that the main points come at the top and the others follow them.

Write it:

After having all the things discussed above in mind, start your writing job. To the point and accurate information without any elaboration certainly brings perfection to the content.

Edit and proofread:

An important feature to be kept in mind is proofreading. Before you submit the final content, you must read the whole content once again. After completing the editing and reviewing process your content will be ready.

Some other necessary instructions that might be kept in mind to present a good content are mentioned below.

  • Prepare a list of your ideas with you. This list will certainly help you to arrange your content properly.
  • Ensure that you are working in a calmful atmosphere so that your mind is in a position to concentrate on your work.
  • A good writer is always in busy in research work. During research, you will read and then learn so many new things and a large number of new ideas will come in your mind.
  • Your content must be very simple. It means that you should not use too fancy words. Otherwise, your content will not be interesting for common people.
  • You should concentrate on making the content well-dressed. Using bullet points or writing in small paragraphs can be very useful.
  • Using keywords in the content is a very good idea. It will increase the value of your content.
  • You should be precise and keep your content be attractive for the reader.


Q.1: What is meant by article writing services?

Ans: An article writing service brings betterment in your writing skills. They will try to bring you in a position to convey your messages effectively to your target audience.

Q.2: What is article writing?

Ans: An article is a type of writing which is written for a large number of people to read. The main purpose of article writing is to publish it at various forums like the following:

  • Newspapers
  • Magazines
  • Journals etc.

Q.3: How to write good quality articles?


  • Select the subject.
  • Find out your target audience.
  • Find out the facts that support your article.
  • Prepare a sketch in your mind.
  • Write a rough draft and then prepare an outline.
  • Start writing on all the points in your outline.
  • Do proofreading to make your article error-free.

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3 responses to “Article Writing – Definition, Its Importance and How to Do it”

  1. […] of Article Writing:Before talking about types of article writing, we should understand that article writing and rewriting are two different things. If you want to […]

  2. Abdul Saboor says:


  3. […] your content user-friendly so that it will be easily found by search engines. This is essential for article writing and article rewriting. Most search engines use an algorithm that supports them to select particular […]

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