How to Teach Elementary Math?

teaching elementary mah

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Different students have different levels of interest. As a Math teacher, you must be flexible and know how they learn best. You may help students develop problem-solving skills, understand abstract concepts be involved in math talk in classroom.

Here are some methods to be used during teaching mathematics:

Hands-on Learning Methods:

In this method of teaching elementary math, teacher provides worksheets to the students and supervises the students. He makes sure that all students are actively participating in the class.

Some of these activities are:

  • Geo boards for learning about shapes
  • A play store where students can practice their money skills and buy small items
  • Play-based learning activities like number blocks, play dough etc.
  • Dice rolls, where students use the numbers

Including visuals:

Some students believe in what they see. Visual presentations are effective for such students. You may use the following:

  • Use charts in your classroom
  • Use audio visual aid while teaching
  • Use pictures of various geometrical shapes, number line, algebra or other math related topics

Integrate math games into math lessons:

Every child likes to play. Classroom games should be used to engage students and give them a healthy learning experience.

Some of math games are:

  • 101 and Out — Students roll two dice. Then they multiply or add the numbers to get the largest number which is less than 101.
  • War — This is a card game. It is helpful to practice addition, subtraction, multiplication etc. Players draw two cards and combine them to get the total greater than the total of their opponents.

Connect Math Concepts to Everyday Life:

While teaching elementary math, tell the students how various math concepts can be used to solve real life problems.

Ask students to explain their reasoning:

When students are asked to tell the reason of their answer, they start thinking critically. As a math teacher, you encourage the students to think deeper rather than just applying some formula and find answer to the question. Talk about different strategies and then show the students how one problem can be solved by using different techniques and formulas.

Reward progress:

After conducting a big test, unit or project, discuss students’ achievements with class. Let students share their projects with their class fellows.

Encourage teamwork:

When students are asked to work together, they learn a large number of new things from one another. You can involve the students in teamwork by using the following:

  • Cooperative Learning – Each student plays a different role in a group project.
  • Discussion-based learning — Students discuss some problem or they answer to one or more question/questions.
  • Collaborative learning — Students work on a common task.

Now, its upon you which teaching strategy is more effective in a particular class.


By using the above mentioned methods, you can teach mathematics effectively at elementary level.


5 responses to “How to Teach Elementary Math?”

  1. Please explain how to use dice rolls in teaching kids.

  2. Please explain how to use dice rolls in teaching counting.

  3. Abdul Saboor says:


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