PowerPoint – Excellent tool in Teaching Mathematics

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Use of PowerPoint presentations has become a common practice in our classrooms. It is mainly due to the online teaching during pandemic. The mathematics PowerPoint presentation process starts with preparation of PowerPoint slides. Then these slides are presented to the students. Then the students learn as the teacher displays and explains the topic using these slides.

PowerPoint Promotes Efficiency:

Displaying presentations helps the students concentrate more on their studies. They focus on what the teacher presents rather than using whiteboard. Students show more interest because they don’t have to write anything during lecture. The problem that a teacher may face during PowerPoint based teaching is the preparation of presentation. This problem can be solved quite easily if the teacher has knowledge about which companies prepare and sell PowerPoint presentations. As far as I know about such companies, some of them are:

  1. Buy Presentations
  2. SlideShare
  3. Sample PowerPoint Slides

If you search from internet, you would certainly find a large number of other companies also. If you contact the companies we have talked about, you may buy presentations, ppt slides and background images. Let us now move to our next point.

It Works Faster:

The teacher can move quickly from one slide to another because:

  • He don’t has to write anything.
  • He don’t has to erase what was previously written on whiteboard.
  • It is very easy to go back to previous slide if needed.

It boosts the Information Retention:

  • A learner can remember easily what is visual rather than audio. That is why PowerPoint lectures help to memorize the lesson in very short time.
  • During PowerPoint based lecture, main focus is on the information that is the most important and the teacher leaves unimportant things.
  • Students can ask their teacher for provision of clear PowerPoint notes rather than their own handwritten notes with bad handwriting.

It’s Fun and Interactive:

PowerPoint based lectures are more interesting because they are in the form of:

  • Videos
  • Audios
  • Pictures
  • Graphs

All these things make the lesson more fun for the students as well as the teachers. Some PowerPoint presentations provide amazing colours schemes, graphs and diagrams that need students’ input. It increases participation of the students.

It Helps Retain Student’s Attention:

A PowerPoint presentation has following qualities:

  • It is interactive.
  • It has fun.
  • It is faster.

These are the main reasons that make PowerPoint based teaching retains students’ attention throughout the lecture. More videos, audios, pictures and graphs create more interest in the lecture.


PowerPoint is an excellent tool and can be used effectively while teaching mathematics at school, college and university level.


2 responses to “PowerPoint – Excellent tool in Teaching Mathematics”

  1. Hi,
    If you want PowerPoint presentations for your business or education purposes, visit ‘Buy Presentations’.
    Admin, Buy Presentations.

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