Publish Articles

We offer free article publishing facility to all authors. Each of the following facility is free:

(1) Submission of soft copy in .doc or .docx format

(2) Review of your submitted article

(3) Maintenance and update

How to Submit/Publish Article?

Use the following email address to send your article and one related picture:


(a) Article must be in .doc or .docx format and size less than 2 MB

(b) Picture must be in .jpg or .png format and size less than 1 MB

(c) Dimensions of picture must be 500px by 300px

Terms and Conditions:

(1) Only plagiarism free articles are allowed to be published on our website.

(2) Copied or illegally used images are not allowed to be submitted.

(3) We have right to reject any of the submitted articles without telling any reason.

(4) We have right to remove any of the published articles from our website without telling any reason.

(5) We have right to make any change (if necessary) in your submitted article.

(6) After publishing article, if you ask us for any update or deletion of article, we shall have right to either refuse your demand or ask for service charges.

(7) We have right to make any change in our rules and terms & conditions any time.

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